International Economics (Fall 2016 - ITAM):
ECO-13101-001 (Monday and Wednesday, 19:00-20:30, room 301 in RH)
ECO-13101-002 (Monday and Wednesday, 17:30-19:00, room 106 in RH)
Final Exam at Friday, 9th December 2016, from 7am-9.44am, at RH-113
Online class on International Trade by Professor Ronald W. Jones: 1,2,3,4
Other media: Charlie Rose's debate about NAFTA with James Goldsmith and Laura Tyson; Paul Krugman Prize Lecture; Russ Roberts on Smith, Ricardo, and Trade
Week 1: Introduction to international trade and static optimization [handout1]
Week 2: Simple trade model and the Ricardian model [handout2; KOM2012-chp3, readings:(1),(2)]
Week 3: Extensions to Ricardian model [handout3; KOM2012-cap3, F2003-chp1, readings(1)(2)]
Week 4: The specific factor model [handout4; KOM2012-chp4; F2003-chp3, readings(1)(2)]
Week 5: The Heckscher-Ohlin Model [handout4 and 5; KOM2012-chp5; F2003-chp 2; readings(1)(2)(3)]
Week 6: The standard trade model and empirical evidence on classical trade models [handout6; KOM2012-chp6; readings(1)(2)]
Week 7: The Armington model and gravity equations [handout7; handout8; armington model matlab code; KOM2012-chp2, F2003-chp5; readings(1)]
Week 8: Midterm [Mon 26th Sep] [study topics; additional exercises]
Week 9: Increasing Returns and New Trade: The Krugman model [handout9; handout10; KOM-chp7, F2003-chp 5; readings:(1)(2)]
Week 10: Krugman model and extensions [handout10; KOM-chp7, F2003-chp 5; readings:(1)(2)]
Week 11: Firm-level heterogeneity and the Melitz model [handout11; KOM2012-chp 7/8; readings:(1)(2)]
Week 12: Trade liberalization under the Melitz model [handout11; KOM2012-chp 7/8; readings:(1)(2)]
Week 13: International trade policy and Dumping and Antidumping Policies [handout12; KOM2012-chp 9/10; readings:(1)(2)(3)]
Week 14: Introduction to International Macroeconomics [handout 13; KOM2012-chp 13/17; readings:(1)(2)]
Week 15: Taking stock and preparation for the final exam [study topics; additional exercises; solutions]
Practice exercises: practice assignment 1; practice assignment 2; practice assignment 3; practice assignment 4; practice assignment 5;
More: class2; class3; class4
Practice exams: practice midterm 1; practice midterm 2; practice midterm 3; practice final 1; practice final 2; practice final 3; practice final 4;
Assignments: assignment 1 (deadline 5th October); assignment 2 (deadline November 25th)
Grades: Midterm 1; Assignment 1; Assignment 2; Final Exam; Final Grade; Letter Grade